Stop Waiting. Start Your Online Business Already.

Matthew Teuschel
3 min readOct 3, 2020

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have started my online business when I did.

It was a few years ago now and it took a while to get it to where it is today, but it was so worth the time and effort.

During the last few months, as unemployment has skyrocketed, leaving millions without income and becoming completely reliant on government assistance…my online business, along with my income, has actually grown.

I’m not a millionaire. But I make more than enough every month to completely support myself and those I care about, and it’s all from my online business.

My income is not at the mercy of a boss.

I’m not subject to massive layoffs.

Bankrupt industries don’t concern me.

Global pandemics may keep me inside, but I still make money.

I’m not restricted to one local area for my customers.

The entire world is my oyster, and it can be yours too when you decide it to be.

And this is the true power of running an online business.

The freedom.

Enjoying what you do, making good money doing it, helping a lot of people, and not worrying about having a job tomorrow or the next stock market crash.

Not to mention not having to work with people you can’t stand, doing things you don’t want to do (which I believe is most of the workforce because that’s how I used to be).

But maybe you don’t know where to start.

Maybe you’re not “tech-savvy” (hint: you don’t have to be to run an online business).

Maybe you think you’re not good at something that people would want to pay good money for.

Well my friend, you’re sadly mistaken.

And everyday that you let these excuses plague your psyche, that’s another day lost that you could have been building a business you believe in and that could make you more money in a month than your job could in a year.

Think I’m full of it?

I know kids (yes, kids) that make tens of thousands of dollars every month commentating video games on YouTube.

Anyone can start an online business.

You just have to start, which I’ll help you with right now.

This book is how I got started and it changed my life forever.

It introduced me to the world of monetizing your expertise.

Being or becoming an expert at something and charging premium prices for your skillset.

It teaches you how to take what you know (or how to learn something new that is very valuable) and build an online business around it.

It shows you how to eliminate 90% of that “tech-savvy” stuff you probably fear.

It shows you how to sell what you know to potentially hundreds of people at a time, right from the comfort of your own home (sometimes on complete auto-pilot).

It gives you the roadmap.

The roadmap to ultimate freedom.

My questions to you are:

How much longer are you going to put this off?

How much longer are you going to continue making excuses?

How much more shit are you going to take before you take the leap and start building the life you’ve always wanted on your own terms?

It’s not going to be easy. But it’s absolutely possible, and that’s all you need.

Get started my friend. I promise it will be worth it.

Matt, Leads For Locals

